Superintendent: Matthew Magnus
8. Hogs will be penned by family, 2-3 per pen. No single hogs to a pen unless there is only one exhibitor in the family.
9. If your hog exceeds 300 pounds at fair weigh in, you will only be paid through the auction a maximum of 300 pounds.
10. Weigh in will determine the Rate of Gain Gilt and Barrow.
11. The swine show is a non-terminal show.
12. Home grown animals must be born and raised on the exhibitor’s property and indicated as so on your entry form.
13. Swine Showmanship ages:
Senior 18 – 19 years of age
Senior Intermediate 16 – 17 years of age
Intermediate 15 years of age
Pre-Intermediate 13 – 14 years of age
Senior-Junior 12 years of age
Junior 10 – 11 years of age
Pre-Junior 8 – 9 years of age
Beginner 6 – 7 years of age
Developmentally Disabled
14. Seniors and Juniors will compete separately for Overall Senior Champion and an Overall Junior Champion.
15. Classes may be combined or divided at the superintendent’s discretion.
Enter all Barrows in class BBB and all Gilts in class GGG, they will be placed in the proper class after weigh-in.
PREMIUM A……6.00 B……5.00 C……4.00
1000 – Light Medium Weight Barrow 1006 – Light Medium Weight Gilt
1001 – Medium Weight Barrow 1007 – Medium Weight Gilt
1002 – Heavy Medium Weight Barrow 1008 – Heavy Medium Weight Gilt
1003 – Light Heavy Weight Barrow 1009 – Light Heavy Weight Gilt
1004 – Medium Heavy Weight Barrow 1110 – Medium Heavy Weight Gilt
1005 – Heavy Weight Barrow 1011 – Heavy Weight Gilt
Grand Champion Barrow Grand Champion Gilt
Reserve Champion Barrow Reserve Champion Gilt
Supreme Overall Hog
PREMIUM 1ST …..13.00 2ND …..11.00 3RD …..9.00 4TH – 15TH …..6.00
1012 – Senior 1017 – Junior
1013 – Senior Intermediate 1018 – Pre-Junior
1014 – Intermediate 1019 – Beginner
1015 – Pre-Intermediate 1020 – Developmentally Disabled
1016 – Senior Junior
Champion Senior Showman Champion Junior Showman
Livestock record books are mandatory for all youth selling at the Clare Co Fair. Books need to be turned into the Clare Co Fair office by 8pm, Sunday of fair.
PREMIUM A……5.00 B……3.00 C……2.00
1021 – Senior 16-19 years old 1023 – Junior 10-12 years old
1022 – Intermediate 13-15 years old 1024 – Beginner 6-9 years old
Superintendent: Matthew Magnus
- Exhibitors may tag two (2) feeder pigs. They may select one (1) hog to show.
- All swine are required to have a SCANNABLE USDA Identification tag. Check with your breeder to make sure their tag is SCANNABLE, if not you will need to obtain a premise ID number and purchase the tag yourself.
- If you are not sure your 840 tag is a RFID chipped tag, you have the option to bring your pig up on Saturday during weigh in to confirm one way or another. Do not remove your current 840 premise ID tag.
- Your exhibit’s tag number will be the last five (5) digits of your official 840 tag number.
- Weigh- in will be at the exhibitor’s discretion. You can weigh your hog and participate in the rate of gain contest if you choose.
- If you choose not to weigh -in pictures are due to the Clare County Fair Livestock email by 11:00 a.m. April 20th. Take pictures with the tag in the ear of the front and side view of the hog, with the ear tag visible. Pictures must be properly labeled with the exhibitor’s name, the tag # (your tag # will be the last 5 digits of your USDA #), entire USDA ID #, and whether it is a gilt or a barrow. ( If your pictures are not deemed acceptable you will be given one more opportunity to send the proper pictures. If not received by the given date, you will be disqualified.)
- All pictures must be emailed by the weigh-in date at the given time. Each exhibitor must be in a separate email with the EXHIBITORS name in the subject line.
- If you choose not to weigh in you will be required to participate in two (2) Educational Workshops that will be offered. If you do not participate, you will be disqualified.
- Any pens not used after the final check in is closed will be open for community tack only, No swine will be allowed in these pens.
8. Hogs will be penned by family, 2-3 per pen. No single hogs to a pen unless there is only one exhibitor in the family.
9. If your hog exceeds 300 pounds at fair weigh in, you will only be paid through the auction a maximum of 300 pounds.
10. Weigh in will determine the Rate of Gain Gilt and Barrow.
11. The swine show is a non-terminal show.
12. Home grown animals must be born and raised on the exhibitor’s property and indicated as so on your entry form.
13. Swine Showmanship ages:
Senior 18 – 19 years of age
Senior Intermediate 16 – 17 years of age
Intermediate 15 years of age
Pre-Intermediate 13 – 14 years of age
Senior-Junior 12 years of age
Junior 10 – 11 years of age
Pre-Junior 8 – 9 years of age
Beginner 6 – 7 years of age
Developmentally Disabled
14. Seniors and Juniors will compete separately for Overall Senior Champion and an Overall Junior Champion.
15. Classes may be combined or divided at the superintendent’s discretion.
Enter all Barrows in class BBB and all Gilts in class GGG, they will be placed in the proper class after weigh-in.
PREMIUM A……6.00 B……5.00 C……4.00
1000 – Light Medium Weight Barrow 1006 – Light Medium Weight Gilt
1001 – Medium Weight Barrow 1007 – Medium Weight Gilt
1002 – Heavy Medium Weight Barrow 1008 – Heavy Medium Weight Gilt
1003 – Light Heavy Weight Barrow 1009 – Light Heavy Weight Gilt
1004 – Medium Heavy Weight Barrow 1110 – Medium Heavy Weight Gilt
1005 – Heavy Weight Barrow 1011 – Heavy Weight Gilt
Grand Champion Barrow Grand Champion Gilt
Reserve Champion Barrow Reserve Champion Gilt
Supreme Overall Hog
PREMIUM 1ST …..13.00 2ND …..11.00 3RD …..9.00 4TH – 15TH …..6.00
1012 – Senior 1017 – Junior
1013 – Senior Intermediate 1018 – Pre-Junior
1014 – Intermediate 1019 – Beginner
1015 – Pre-Intermediate 1020 – Developmentally Disabled
1016 – Senior Junior
Champion Senior Showman Champion Junior Showman
Livestock record books are mandatory for all youth selling at the Clare Co Fair. Books need to be turned into the Clare Co Fair office by 8pm, Sunday of fair.
PREMIUM A……5.00 B……3.00 C……2.00
1021 – Senior 16-19 years old 1023 – Junior 10-12 years old
1022 – Intermediate 13-15 years old 1024 – Beginner 6-9 years old